Friday, October 15, 2010

Update on Aquarium

Here updated picture (10/14/2010) of aquariums

50 Gallons

10 Gallons

Red Cherry Shrimp chowing down on algae wafers.

Tiger's Dream

Decide to draw something so here the end result! Enjoy!

It called Tiger's Jordon Stoddrad, I personally added the moon in the back drop to enhance the image of a fantasy. Project duration was about 3 hrs of pencil drafting and 2 hrs of color pencil/shading.

GUNDAM UNICORN (in progress)

Gundam Unicorn

Construction: Head (~5 hrs)

Final Product (Head)

Construction: Torso (~2hr and going...)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Piece of Cake!...It only 211 pages! WTF!

Well I finally printed all the patterns out (Parts 2D, 3, 4, 5) and it comes to a wooping 211 pages!!!

That a lot of paper! (to crease, cut, fold, and maliciously put together!)

2 3/4" Thick! It going to take awhile!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Aquarium 50gal (July 11, 2010)

Here is the 50 gal tank with new plants, cherry barbs, 12 tigar barbs.

Optimus Prime Papercraft: Body + Head

Here is the body, which consist of 35 pages.

Above- Body and head of Optimus Prime (Total Construction Time: ~80 hrs)

How many Cherry Shrimps can you count?

Here fruits of my labor...dozens of baby/juvenile cherry shrimps. Sweet! (that $2.50/shrimp once they are adults)